AI Guided Dystonia App


What is Dystonia

  • Dystonia is a brain condition that causes involuntary muscle movements. It can cause repetitive or twisting movements, usually affecting the same group of muscles, causing a repetitive pattern of movements over time. It initially arises after specific movements or tasks but, in advanced stages, it may occur at rest.

  • Specifically dystonia results from abnormal functioning of the basal ganglia. The basal ganglia is the deep seated part of the brain controlling muscle coordination and movement.

  • Anyone can develop dystonia

Why design an AI guided app

Some Dystonia patients have lost mobility making it challenging or impossible to use a mobile app so having an AI assistant will make it accessible.

Treatment with Dance & Other Movement

There are a variety of treatments that range from traditional medicine to non-medicinal movement therapies. This app specifically aims to focus on healing through community connections and movement therapy.

If you’d like to know more about dystonia, read in-depth at the American Association of Neurological Surgeons.


Designing a Conversational Flow

How do we envision the AI assistant interacting with the user? Ultimately the assistant should be a guide and taskmaster but also be understanding of the nature of physical limitations and how they can influence a mood.

Onboarding Conversational Flow For New User

Conversational Flow for Existing User

Flow insights

An app built with conversational AI as the taskmaster, is like a box with all contents inside at once. There is a flow to design but overall anything can happen at anytime depending on the user need. The app design isn’t necessarily linear.



Wireframe flows