Here I Am
👋 I love space and the future.
I’m a designer, illustrator, and apparently home renovator at the moment. I spent an amazing 4 years creating illustrations at Code School for millions of learners. It was one of the most rewarding positions I’ve had. It pushed my imagination and allowed me to be my most creative self. I also spent another 4 years with Pluralsight doing similar work.
Outside of Work
I’m renovating. It never ends.
I love science fiction and science facts.
Like I say, I love space. I really love space. It’s my dream vacation. And my mother, bless her heart, still thinks I can be an astronaut if I want. You really never know.
I like making up stories about inanimate objects.
I love to learn anything.
I like having a voice.
I have two cats. 😻 One came to me on the east coast and the other on the west coast. They’re like the Biggie and Tupac of cats. They don’t get along.
I have some plants. One I’ve kept alive for 4 years. Amazing.